200th Anniversary

200th Anniversary Celebration

The 200th Anniversary committee has been working on plans to celebrate this milestone in our church’s history!

1. We ask that anyone who knows the whereabouts of past members to please give us their recent addresses so that they can be included in our celebrations. You can call (610-346-8500) or e-mail the church office with contact information.


May 17th 2012Ascension Day Service – This year the Palisades Cluster Ascension Day service will be held at Evangelical Lutheran, with Reverend Donna Deal preaching.  For this Thursday evening service, Pastor David Deal will invite former pastors to be present at worship, and we will serve refreshments afterwards.

June 3rd 2012 – A banquet dinner celebration catered by the Meadows is planned for 1:30 PM at the Leithsville Fire House Social Hall. Our guest speaker for our banquet will be James Moss. He will give a power point presentation entitled “Loving God, Loving People.” Click here to print out an info sheet and reservation form.

ALSO… Following the service on the morning of June 3rd, we will be having our group picture taken, duplicating the old anniversary picture. The photographer is scheduled to be here at 11:30 AM that Sunday.

June 10th 2012 – A ceremony for the renewal of marriage vows will be performed that Sunday. A covered dish reception picnic will follow. The oldest couple married at Durham church will be asked to cut the wedding cake at the celebration that day.

October 13th 2012 – We will have our usual table at Community Day, but a musical concert here at the church is being planned for right after Community Day.

November 4th 2012All Saints Sunday will feature a visit from Bishop Claire Burkat. A small finger food reception will be held after the 10:30 AM service.

November 11th 2012 – A ceremony to honor our Veterans both past and present will be held at our service that day.

Please plan on attending these festivities to make our celebration a success! Hope to see you there!  Other plans are in the works such as the new directory (now available in the Narthex of the church), a heritage cookbook, a history booklet and T-shirts to commemorate our celebration!

If there is anyone interested in joining our committee or with any other suggestions/ideas, please e-mail the Church Office.  Thank  you!

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