Evangelical Durham introduces new online giving options.
As announced in the December Newsletter, We have partnered with Vanco Services to add the ability to make contributions or donations online. This new option now available for you to use.
Vanco Services provides a secure way to make a payment using your bank account or credit card . This information is processed only on Vanco Services’ secure system which is verified by GeoTrust, Inc. Vanco Services is a PCI (Payment Card Industry) Level 1 compliant service provider which means all transactions are handled in accordance with the most rigorous security standards. None of your banking or credit card information is passed onto the church.
This feature is available to anyone with internet access, and can be accessed from our web site, or by downloading the “Vanco Faith” application from your phone’s app store.
We can accept direct debit payments from a checking or savings account using Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). We also accept donations by credit card (Visa, Mastercard, and Discover).
Please note that there is a nominal fee from the credit card company or bank, and from Vanco for their services. You have the option of making a small donation to help defray the cost if you desire.
This new tool has the following advantages:
For you:
- No longer need to use envelopes, all the most used giving categories are available online.
- You can set up automatic giving on a schedule with Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly frequencies as options, and you can revise or cancel the schedule and amount whenever you need.
- All online contributions are automatically included on your annual giving statements.
- Uses the same secure, proven technology that we have been using for Simply Giving for the past 20+ years. If you use Simply Giving, you can choose to switch to Vanco Faith, or stay with Simply Giving, whichever you prefer.
- Vanco services are PCI Compliant, which ensures that your contributions are safe, secure, and that the church does not receive or store bank and credit card information.
For the Church:
- Reduced burden on offering counters for processing envelopes and deposits after each service.
- Reduced overhead for the Financial Secretary, since all online contribution are automatically deposited to the church account, and posted directly your statement in our church’s software.
- Reduced opportunity for reconciliation error in processing contributions.
- Make it easier for non-member contributors to make donations for memorials, etc.
Use the links below for information on ways to use Vanco Giving:
Web Site QR Code:

Church donation web site page | durhamlutheran.org/about/donations/ |
Church donation web page guide | ELCDWebVancoGuide.pdf |
Apple iPhone App | Apple Phone App |
Android App | Android Phone App |
Reasons to use online giving | Vanco Giving Reasons |
General App information | Vanco-faq |
You can also reach out to Ken Anderson at councilsecretary@durhamluthran.org or 610-349-4391 for more information.