3/29/2023 Midweek Lenten Service

  • 5:30 PM – Soup Supper
  • 6:15 PM – Devotions

Dying and Rising with Christ

This final week commemorates Hans Nielsen Hauge, a nineteenth-century Norwegian lay preacher, and John Donne, the seventeenth-century English poet and dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. At first glance there is little that connects these two—but at their heart both individuals were fervent in proclaiming the amazing grace of God with as much clarity as possible. This is the core of our Christian faith, that Jesus died to save us from our sins and rose to grant us everlasting life. We have died with Christ in baptism, and because he lives, we shall rise with him.

Live Stream: https://youtube.com/live/XCOQoBdwZF0?feature=share

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