Children’s Worship

Here at Evangelical Lutheran Church of Durham we WELCOME children in our services. We have several families with young children and we enjoy the sound of them! Our welcoming attitude towards the children of our church is reflected throughout the sanctuary where parents can find kid friendly items to make worship just a bit easier on your family.

First, when you walk into church and are greeted by our friendly greeters please be sure to ask for a children’s bulletin for your little ones. These bulletins are interactive coloring pages that represent the same story of the gospel the adults are learning during that service. Crayons as well as small toys and other coloring books can be found in the back left corner of the sanctuary. During the service, after the reading of the Gospel, our Pastor will invite the children up to the front of the church for a small discussion and prayer. This children’s moment is not mandatory and after they are finished the children return to their seats with their parents.

Outside of our regular worship service, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Durham provides several other faith experiences for little ones. During the summer, we really enjoyed hosting Wednesday Sundaes which was a small activity, bible lesson and ice cream party on Wednesday evenings. Messy Church events hosted throughout the year are another great opportunity for interactive children’s worship. We also host a weekly Christian toddler story time on Friday mornings throughout the year. For more information on current children events occurring at ELC of Durham please visit our calendar page or find us on Facebook.

Children’s Worship Bulletins has put together free resources for the youngest members of our congregation and their families. Please click on the links below for the Parent Guides and Activity Sheets.