† Betty Kreitz †
In the sure and certain hope of the resurrection, we announce the death of Betty Kreitz, a longtime member of the
+ Hal Taylor +
In the sure and certain hope of the resurrection, we announce the death of Hal Taylor, a longtime member of the
Winter Coat Project
Church Family & Friends: We have an outreach opportunity to participate in the Winter Coat Project sponsored by Christian Aid
Dr. Stanley A. Aagaard II Memorial Service – 6/24
There will be a memorial service for Stan Aagaard on Saturday June 24, 2023. Family calling Hours are at 10:00
Care-A-Lot Open House – 4/23/2023
Join us for a Special Sunday worship with the Care-A-Lot children and Staff, followed by an Open house for the
+ Dr. Stanley Anderson Aagaard II +
May 8, 1932 – April 3, 2023 In the sure and certain hope of the resurrection, we announce the death of
Easter Sunday Continental Breakfast
We are having a Continental Breakfast in the church fellowship hall at 9:00 AM on Easter Sunday, April 9. Come
+ Anne L. Valent +
Entered into Life Eternal: March 27, 2023 In the sure and certain hope of the resurrection, we announce the death of