Care-A-Lot offers two preschool programs to our community. Our 3-4 year old program focuses primarily on socialization within a community setting. Our 4-5 year old program continues the community based setting with an emphasis on getting ready for elementary school. The students continue to explore weekly hands-on projects in math, science and language arts concepts. They also actively enjoy the arts, music and messages of God’s love.
We meet with the 3-4 year old class on Tues., Thurs., and Fri., from 9:00-11:30. We meet with the 4-5 year old class on Mon., Wed., Fri., from 9:00-12:30. Friday is Community Day where both groups come together to celebrate the weekly science theme through games, art projects, science experiments, group work, or field trips. This structure continues to be very successful in meeting the needs of each individual child.
Copyright © 2008
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Durham