Steeple Restoration Project --- THANK YOU to all who have donated. The project is almost complete. Click here for pictures. Dear Friends and Neighbors,
If you love history and believe in helping to preserve beautiful things from the past, then this letter is for you!
For as far back as February 6, 1790, the Evangelical Lutheran Church congregation has been a part of the beautiful and historic township of Durham. Our small and friendly community is rich in history. For example, the world-famous Durham boats that crossed the Delaware with George Washington were made here. The old Durham Furnace made shot and shells for the Revolutionary War, and old Durham Grist Mill, built on the ruins of the Durham Furnace, supplied flour for people and feed for animals for many generations.
For centuries, our Durham Church has supplied the “bread of life” for the people of this and surrounding communities. Today this small congregation reaches out locally - as well as worldwide – sharing God’s love wherever needed. Our mission statement is “The church on the hill, lighting the way to God’s love.” In an effort to follow Jesus’ commandment to “love one another”, we support our community in myriad ways. Local children attend our Care-A-Lot Preschool; we hold an annual Easter egg hunt for area children; and proceeds from our renowned Soup Supper go to several nearby food banks to feed the less fortunate. We also support the local fire company, and hold an annual Beef Roast to provide an opportunity for community fellowship as well as raise funds to help others. Without boasting, we do many other things to make this world a better place, silently doing what has to be done. If you are interested in learning more about the church and our work in the community, please visit our website at www.durhamlutheran.org.
Today I am writing to ask for your support. We at Durham Church have an unexpected enormous financial challenge ahead of us, and we need your help! Two of the main trusses inside of our steeple have broken due to the extreme wind sheer on top of Durham hill where our church is located. The first truss was repaired 16 years ago at a cost of roughly $60,000. Now a second truss has broken and the steeple itself has shifted and is leaning. Engineers have given us an estimate of $148,000 to repair and stabilize the steeple permanently so that this problem does not recur in the future.
As many of you know, we are a small congregation, and these figures are astronomical to us. Through the centuries our historic steeple has helped to shine the way to God’s love, and we pray that with your joyous contribution we can continue this tradition for many years to come. If you feel that you can help us in our efforts to raise the money to repair the steeple, any size contribution would be greatly appreciated. Your donation is an investment in the community as well as in our historic church. Perhaps in the future you will be able to tell your grandchildren that you helped to keep this historic little country church on the hill, going forward to do God’s work in the world.
This letter also serves as an invitation that if ever you wish to visit us, you are always welcome. Our hours are listed on our website and on the marquee outside the church.
If you decide to make a contribution to the Durham Church Steeple Fund, remember that it is tax deductible. Please make checks payable to “Evangelical Lutheran Church of Durham,” with “Steeple Fund” on the memo line. You can mail your contribution to: Evangelical Lutheran Church of Durham; PO Box 100; Durham, PA 18039-0100. To receive a receipt for tax purposes, please print and fill out the form available here and include it with your contribution.
Thank you in advance for your consideration in this matter. May God bless you and yours!
Sincerely, Lynn Gaun Church Council President
Copyright © 2008
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Durham