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Palisades Cluster of Lutheran Churches

Cluster News
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2008 Palisades Lutheran Cluster and 2009 Outlook
The Palisades Lutheran Cluster continues to be active in the community. The following items were accomplished this past year (2008):

    1. The Cluster participated in a number of community day events (ie Nockamixon Days, Durham Days, etc.) and shared news and information about many of our cluster churches and activities.

    2. The Cluster publicized, communicated and supported local Vacation Bible School (VBS) events, and served as a clearing house for date coordination to make sure families could send their children to a number of VBS's in the area.

    3. The Cluster sponsored a Bear Creek Day Camp for the 2nd time - once again, it was very successful and we plan to do this again in 2009.
    4. The Cluster sponsored an annual Lenten Vespers Service which was held at St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Riegelsville.
    5. The Cluster sponsored an annual Ascension Day Vesper service which included a joint choir from all cluster churches.

Moving into 2009, the Cluster has the following Objectives - feel free to contact anyone in the Cluster if you are interested in getting involved.

a. To participate in all community events such as Nockamixon and Durham Days, both as individual churches and as a group. The local church will co-ordinate the activities at each event.

b. To communicate and support local vacation Bible school events, and serve as a clearing house for date coordination.
c. To sponsor an annual Ascension Day service, which shall move from congregation to congregation and be the primary responsibility of the clergy. We will, however, continue to have a Cluster wide choir for the service. The 2009 service will take place at Christ Lutheran, Pipersville.

d. The Cluster shall sponsor a Bear Creek Day Camp.
The three main focuses of our coming year (2009) will be:
1. Evangelism: To hold a meeting of the churches' Evangelism / Outreach Committees (and perhaps include Council presidents) to share what we are doing and review Pastor Moss's suggestions on Evangelism.

2. Parish nurse ministry: To investigate the feasibility of expanding the Tinicum ministry, including other churches in it, increasing the staff. Arrangements will be made to meet with the existing parish nurse from Christ Pipersville.

3. Youth: Discuss alternatives, speak with Youth to see what there interests are; invite Aaron Landis Mennonite Youth Pastor to speak with us; can we leverage onto his successful program?

    TENTATIVE Meeting schedule for 2009
    January 11 (Jan. 18th in case snow date) 3:30 at St Luke’s Ferndale.
    March 22, 2008 3:30 at St Peter’s Riegelsville
    June 7, 2009 at 6:30 Christ Pipersville
    Aug. 23, 2009 (or Sept.13) at Upper Tinicum 6:30
    Nov. 15, 2009 3:30 Trinity Pleasant Valley


Telephone:  610-346-8500
Postal address:  821 Durham Road, PO Box 100, Durham PA 18039
E- mail:  evangel@durhamlutheran.org
Copyright © 2008 Evangelical Lutheran Church of Durham
Last modified: 03/12/10