Dear Friend,
I recall returning from a high school
service trip to Pine Ridge Reservation in
South Dakota. As was our practice we spent
the night at a church along the way to
reflect on the experiences of the week.
Teens told stories of painting, dogs
yapping, piggy-back rides and children
desperate for attention. I told the teens -
"this week, the people of Pine Ridge saw
Christ in you."
A young man who
had been rather stoic for as long as I had
known him broke down, and wept openly.
For the first time he felt what it was like
to be valued. This is but one example of
the calling in youth ministry. Youth
ministry transforms lives, such as this
young man. That is why the ELCA Youth
Ministry Network is so important: We
train leaders who change lives.
The ELCA Youth
Ministry Network - Eleven years old - not
yet teenage and beyond being a
'kid'. We have been growing, learning,
stretching and as a new organization -
charting new paths in support of effective
youth ministry.
The three words that describe what we are
about are: Renew, Educate and Connect.
RENEW: "A big part of the
network experience has always been the
Extravaganza. Just like a family reunion,
it's a time to laugh for hours at a time.
It's also the time to recharge and remember
why we do what we do because of whose we
EDUCATE: "Kathy Hunstad
facilitated the first workshop I attended.
She provided valuable tools and humorous
stories while sharing how to plan trips with
young people and adult leaders, and her
style was engaging. I learned later her
brother-in-law (Rev. Tom Hunstad) had been
diagnosed with cancer, and the grace Kathy
showed under this pressure was amazing."
CONNECT: "We were soaking up a
sacred moment where God blessed a connection
between six people who were driven by an
inexplainable passion for youth and family
ministry that needed to be processed."
In order for the Network to thrive, grow and
motivate leaders we need your help.
Here is how you can help and it is in two
First, would you prayerfully consider
providing a financial gift to the Network?
Second, would you identify a person
in your congregation who 1) has means and a
generous heart, and 2) has a passion for
supporting youth ministry? Would you share
this letter with them - let them hear your
story of the Network? Then tell them that
you are making a contribution and ask them
to match your contribution by a multiple of
3X or 5X or 10X to support the Network.
Click on this link to download a
brochure that describes some of what the
Network is and does (or
click here to e-mail our office and
request a brochure snail-mailed to you).
Please share it with the person you select
to ask to make a matching contribution.
You and your friend can give gifts at any
one of the Youth Ministry Network levels:
$10-99 Mustard seed
Lamp lighters
Foot washers
$1000+ Those who fish
All gifts are important to the Network and
we sincerely value and appreciate your
Please make checks payable to "ELCA Youth
Ministry Network" and mail to:
Debbie Clipson
ELCA Youth Ministry
Network Treasurer
9891 7th
Street NE.
Blaine, MN 55434
Questions you may have:
Is this gift tax deductable? Yes, the
ELCA Youth Ministry Network is a 501c3
Will God love me if I give? God already
loves you, so much.
Other questions - contact any member of
the Development Council.
May God continue to bless your calling to
ministry in its many forms for the sake of
the Gospel.
Bob White
on behalf of the Network Development Council