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South Dakota

South Dakota!

A Mission Report from Rachel Crouse

           South Dakota was an experience that will never be forgotten - experiences from meeting new friends, to working on the Indian reservation, to sightseeing many interesting and incredible places.  Meeting other adults and teens helping me grow closer to Christ, as we learned more of what He wants for us. 

     The most touching part of the trip was on the Rosebud reservation, which was the location of our worksite.  There were seven people in the group in which we worked.  We did everything from dry walling, to spackling and sanding, to painting, to laying hard wood floors in the house which was the size of a backyard shed.  Neighboring Indians to the house we were working on weren't very friendly. We expected this and made the best of it.  One lady responded to our hello as she said, "NO HI".  Other children threw fireworks at us, but yet when we met the owners of the house they were so thrilled and thanked us multiple times.  
     When we weren't working we were touring  - we got to see fireworks off of Mount Rushmore, the Crazy Horse Memorial, the Badlands, and Custer State Park.  We attended an Indian Pow-wow, visited the Journey Museum, and had Indian children dance for us! It was a great two weeks, and it wouldn't be possible without your help. It means a lot to know that God chose me to take part in this mission, and it wouldn't have been possible without the church's support.  Thanks again for everything and God Bless You All!                                                     -Rachel Crouse

  Rachel and friend painting

SOUTH DAKOTA SUNDAY - March 28, 2004

This July, the South Eastern Pennsylvania Synod is sending 96 Lutheran youth and adults to serve on the Rosebud and Crow Creek Indian Reservations in South Dakota.  The teams will be doing repair work for homes and other buildings as well as putting on a day camp for kids of the reservation. Rachel Crouse, from Evangelical Lutheran, is one of these youth who will be following Christ to South Dakota this summer.

The team will be shipping or carrying all supplies for the day camp with us to South Dakota.  We need many items to make the experience a great one for these kids.  They are anticipating 100 participants for the day camp.

HYGIENE KIT ITEMS NEEDED:  toothpaste & toothbrushes, combs, deodorant, bar soap and wash cloths, small size shampoo


Telephone:  610-346-8500
Postal address:  821 Durham Road, PO Box 100, Durham PA 18039
E- mail:  evangel@durhamlutheran.org
Copyright © 2008 Evangelical Lutheran Church of Durham
Last modified: 03/12/10