A signup sheet is
on the bulletin board in the narthex for food baskets. We are adding
Communion Sundays to Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter Sundays because it
seems very appropriate while sharing the Lord’s Supper to also share
with the hungry and displaced. The cost of a food basket is the same as
altar flowers- $25; you can either purchase the groceries yourself or
give the money to Helen Dungan, who will shop for you.
also ask each of you to bring donations for the three food pantries on
Communion Sundays. The local food banks have expressed the needs below,
and the cluster assigned Durham to bring personal care items for Katrina
Upper Bucks food bank -- crackers,
paper products (e.g. toilet paper, paper towels etc.);
Easton food bank -- macaroni and
cheese, jelly, and soup.
Christus Victor (the Katrina relief
food bank) – personal care items (i.e. toothpaste, razors, bar soap,
deodorant, etc)
So if you see a
sale on any of these items or are browsing in a dollar store, pick some
items up to share as part of your Communion meal. |